Midterms free of feared chaos as voting experts look to 2024

Before the midterm elections, experts feared the potential for chaos at the ballot box. Following the tumultuous 2020 presidential election, there were reasonable fears that poll watchers in several states who had been exposed to conspiracy theories would cause trouble for citizens casting their votes or officials administering the election. Meanwhile, many Democrats and voting rights organizations feared that new voting legislation passed in states across the nation would lead to voter suppression, especially among marginalized groups. However, election day and the early voting period went much better than some on the right and left expected. Though there were some reports of threats from poll watchers, these instances were scattered and seem to have had no serious impact on the election. GOP-backed legislation to increase voting regulations also did not impede voter turnout on a large scale, the vast majority of voters were able to cast their ballots. Though there were some legitimate issues in Maricopa County, Arizona for instance where election officials faced threats from right wing groups, on the whole the midterm election went far smoother than many anticipated. Though this election cycle overall went well, voting rights advocates do encourage citizens to remain vigilant regarding the upcoming 2024 presidential election, especially considering former president Donald Trump’s recent announcement that he will be running again.

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