
Author: Nate Gundy

Jonathan Nez, President of the Navajo Nation, appeared before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee to advocate for The Native American Voting Rights Act. The bill contains a number of voter access and protection requirements for Native American reservations in the United States. Provisions in the bill include minimum requirements for early voting and mail-in ballots, as well as stronger limits on when polling places can be eliminated. Senator Ted Cruz expressed skepticism about the bill, saying it “would expand voter fraud rather than combat it.”    Visit

Donald Kirk Hartle has been charged with casting an illegal vote under the name of his deceased wife. Previously, Mr. Hartle had claimed to have discovered that someone else had voted under his departed wife’s name, and his case was touted by Republicans as an example of voter fraud in the 2020 election. However, Nevada prosecutors are now alleging that Hartle submitted the fraudulent vote himself. Nevada’s Attorney General Aaron Ford has said, “Voter fraud is rare, but when it happens it undercuts trust

In what may have been an unexpected turn of events for Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, the cash bounty he announced nearly a year ago for those who identify perpetrators of voter fraud has yielded only one recipient so far: a progressive-leaning poll worker in Pennsylvania who has brought forward a confirmed case of a registered Republican casting an illegal vote.   Visit NBC DFW to learn more. Image Credit: Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Despite adopting compromises proposed by conservative-leaning Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Democrats in the Senate failed to win a single Republican vote in favor of the Freedom to Vote Act. Because 60 votes are still needed to overcome a filibuster in the Senate, the Democrats appear to have run out of options for achieving voting rights reform beyond changing the rules of their legislative body. Senator Manchin had rejected the earlier voting rights bill put forward by his fellow party-members, but as

Following Republican Senators’ most recent rejection of a modified voting rights reform proposal, President Joe Biden has told anchor Anderson Cooper in a town hall interview that he is willing to consider supporting revisions to the filibuster - and possibly even supporting its elimination. However, President Biden maintained that he would prefer to make the filibuster harder to execute, perhaps by requiring Senators to physically hold the floor and speak, as was customary in the past  Biden also expressed the fear that if he