
March 2023

Marianne Williamson, a spiritual advisor and self help author, has officially launched her campaign for the 2024 presidential election. Williamson is the first candidate to officially enter the race for the 2024 Democratic nomination, announcing her intention to run before even President Joe Biden. In a recent interview with NBC News, Williamson claimed she could defeat President Biden in the Democratic primary, even though she did not come close to the nomination when she previously ran in 2020. Williamson has faced criticism in the

Over the next decade America’s youngest voters, Gen Z and Millenials, are scheduled to become a majority of the nation's electorate. Recent election results and data from Pew research center indicate that these young voters will be a source of significant electoral strength for Democrats. New statistics indicate that young Americans voted overwhelmingly for Democratic House and Senate candidates in the 2022 midterm election, with even higher Democratic voting rates among racial and ethnic minorities.  Visit Brookings to learn moreImage Credit:Eric Haynes (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

Tim Scott, South Carolina’s first Black senator and the first southern Black senator in over a century, is traveling to early primary states sharing his vision for a more unified country as he lays the groundwork for a presidential campaign. In a recent speech in Des Moines, Iowa Scott said that he saw a, “new American sunrise” that burns better than before. ABC News spoke with GOP activists and strategists who believe Scott is seeking to gain voters' support through consensus building and policy,

Despite the lack of evidence of widespread voter fraud, the Texas Senate seems intent on raising the penalty for voting illegally from a misdemeanor to a second-degree felony. State Senator Bryan Hughes filed Senate Bill 2 on February 23rd, which would both make illegal voting a felony and change the standard for determining someone's intent who has illegally voted. Currently, an individual violates the law when they “knowingly or intentionally” vote or try to vote in an election in which they “know they’re not

According to a court filing in Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit against the network, Fox News hosts privately shared that they did not believe then-President Donald Trump’s allegations of fraud in the 2020 election, despite devoting airtime to many of those same false claims. In addition to Fox hosts Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingram, Fox Corporation chair Rupert Murdoch also spoke privately against former-President Trump’s claims calling them “really crazy stuff” and “damaging.” Dominion Voting Systems filed the lawsuit against Fox News