
February 2023

Over the past two decades, “ticket-splitting” in Senate elections, where voters cast separate votes for candidates of different political parties, has declined significantly. This decline in split ticket voting has been consistent since the 1990s as more voters have been drawn to an “all or nothing” stance in elections. The change in voting behavior has bolstered congressional polarization and research from the University of Virginia Center for Politics indicates that this trend is expected to continue in future elections. Visit UVA Center for Politics to learn

The Democratic Party approved the reordering of its 2024 presidential primary, changing the location of its first primary election from Iowa to South Carolina. The shift is meant to empower black and other minority voters who are critical to the Democratic base. The new plan, championed by President Joe Biden, would have South Carolina lead off with its primary on February 3rd, followed by New Hampshire and Nevada three days later. Advocating his support for the new primary schedule, party chairman Jaime Harrison said,

Gen Z voters turned out at historic rates in the recent midterm election. In fact, Gen Z and millennial voters achieved their highest rate of voter turnout in history with the exception of the 2018 election. A newly obtained post-election report on Gen Z conducted by the education advocacy organization, Murmuration, the Walton Family Foundation, and the public opinion firm SocialSphere sheds a light on what young voters are focused on as they cast their ballots in increasingly high numbers. The main findings of

Florida County election supervisors are imploring the state to toss out new vote-by-mail restrictions set to go into effect next year, claiming the measures could create serious logistical and security issues. The new identification requirements would require voters to provide a driver's license number or partial social security number on their ballots. Local election leaders claim these new requirements will create election reporting delays, various new costs for local election offices, and will potentially disenfranchise many voters. The state's new vote-by-mail measures are part

Former President Donald Trump claimed he is “more committed” than ever to winning the White House,  as he resumed his presidential campaign on Saturday after announcing his candidacy in November.  At events in New Hampshire and South Carolina, Trump also said he is “more angry” about the direction of the country. While Trump did not use these  campaign stops to continue to assert his dispoven claims regarding the 2020 election, he did generally call into question the integrity of elections. Trump also proposed plans