
Author: rlou

A historical look at the electoral vote counting process in Congress. NPR traces the process back to its origins, and looks at the role the Vice President plays when counting each state’s vote.Visit NPR to learn more.  Voter Education Week Young adults will be the nation’s largest voting bloc in the upcoming election and the National Voter Education Week plans to equip them with the tools and information they need to cast a ballot this fall. Visit Website More Than A Vote A voting initiative started by several Black

In the wake of major Democratic victories in Georgia, the state’s Republican-led state legislature is considering a number of proposals which will limit access to voting. These include eliminating no-excuse absentee voting, banning ballot drop boxes, requiring photo ID when casting an absentee ballot, and forbidding the government from mailing absentee ballot applications. Democrats claim these efforts are deliberate attempts to suppress voter turnout while Republicans claim that there will still be ample opportunities to vote and protecting election integrity is more important than

Voting rights activists claim that massive registration of and turnout among African-American voters, which make up about a third of Georgia’s electorate, helped propel Rev. Raphael Warnock to his victory over Senator Kelly Loeffler. Exit polls reveal that 93% of Georgia’s African-American voters supported both Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Early voting and grassroots organizing played a key role in the high voter turnout.Visit CNN to learn more. Pictured: Georgia-based voting rights advocate Stacey Abrams meeting with young people at the Kennedy Institute, December 2019. Voter Education

Democrat Jon Ossoff defeated incumbent Republican Senator David Perdue in one of Georgia’s two runoff elections. Ossoff's victory, coupled with Rev. Raphael Warnock’s win over Kelly Loeffler, will give Democrats their first Senate majority since 2014. Ossoff will become Georgia’s first Jewish senator and the youngest sitting senator at 33-years-old.Visit NPR to learn more.Image credit: John Ramspott (CC BY 2.0)  Voter Education Week Young adults will be the nation’s largest voting bloc in the upcoming election and the National Voter Education Week plans to equip them

Democrat Rev. Raphael Warnock defeated incumbent Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler in one of two runoff elections in Georgia. This victory places Democrats one seat away from their first Senate majority since 2014. Warnock’s victory makes him the first African-American senator in Georgia history.Visit AP News to learn more. Voter Education Week Young adults will be the nation’s largest voting bloc in the upcoming election and the National Voter Education Week plans to equip them with the tools and information they need to cast a ballot this