Why vote?
Because it’s your right.
Because elections can hinge on a few votes.
Because your future depends on it.

How to Vote?
How do I get registered?
Where can I vote?
Once you’re registered to vote, it’s important to know where your polling place is located so you know where to go on Election Day (if you choose to vote in-person). You can find your polling place here. Keep your eyes on that web page in the days leading up to election day, as your polling place could change between now and November 3rd.
How to vote by mail?
Every state allows voters to request a mail-in ballot. Some states require voters to provide an excuse for their request, while others do not. Here are the no-excuse states and here are the list of excuses you can use in excuse states. You can use this website to generate a request for a mail-in ballot.

Voting Then & Now
Learn about the history of voting and what you can do to protect and expand voting rights.
Resources for teachers
Today’s Vote in the Classroom is an online curriculum resource for teachers which provides students the opportunity to role-play as U.S. senators, discuss topics of importance, and cast their votes on real bills that have been introduced in Congress.

Youth Campaign
Encouraging young people to engage politically is key for the health of our democracy.

Just Vote has been endorsed by a variety of public figures across the U.S political spectrum.
Voting organizations
Check out other organizations dedicated to protecting our voting rights.


The Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate is dedicated to educating the public about the important role of the Senate in our government, encouraging participatory democracy, invigorating civil discourse, and inspiring the next generation of citizens and leaders to engage in the civic life of their communities.
Support Just Vote!
The Just Vote initiative is made possible by contributions from individuals, foundations and corporations. Please join in supporting this important effort!
All contributions are tax deductible.